The day has come to take stock, one of 365 past already. Today it's too late to regret what we did, later also for what we don't do. What must have been and was not, what was and not have to have been. What we wanted and we could, what we could but we didn't want. What we tried but didn't get, what we won and we lost. It's over. All those moments won't return, there will be others, are passengers on a train with final destination, a new loop. Experiences, memories, looks, words, smells and tastes into our memory. We can only hope, that vague illusion that allows disguise with a sad-eyed smile everything that store in the heart, that corner where lives our essence, what we are and what we love, we need to fill that hole and we never to get. I feel empty, lacking any, attention hungry, thirsty comfort. Unmotivated and blindly in a tunnel that never ends, groping thought I saw a light but it was only a flare shooting that allowed me to move a little to return back to the same point. I'm still waiting for my star, to guide me, give me light and heat, and with me not to leave ever. I promise filling every day of your life with smiles, as if it were the last and also the first story that starts tomorrow. We have 365 new opportunities to do and to be happy with our star ... Shine like you know and I'll do it for you ...
Todas y cada una de las palabras aquí reflejadas han surgido y van surgiendo debido a una necesidad frustrante de querer gritar en silencio, algunas recogidas y otras propias muy sentidas.
Llega un momento en la vida a partir de cual algo cambia y nada vuelve a ser como era antes.
Mi nueva vida comenzó el 12 de febrero de 2012 y desde entonces intento continuar des(ahogándome) con estas palabras.
Yo te espero a tí por estos lares, coge aire y sumérgete, voy a cuidarte y quererte como siempre he hecho.
Dedicado a ti... navegante... somebody I used to know...
Each and every one of these words reflected here have emerged and are emerging due to a frustrating need to scream in silence, some pickups and other own heartfelt.
There comes a time in life from which something changes and nothing will ever be as it was before.
My new life began on February 12, 2012 and since then I'm trying to continue un (drowning) with these words.
I'll wait for you in these parts, gets air and dive, I'll take care of you and love you as I always have made.
Dedicated to you ... sailor... somebody I used to know...
lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012
XV.Canto de esperanza "Song of hope"
The day has come to take stock, one of 365 past already. Today it's too late to regret what we did, later also for what we don't do. What must have been and was not, what was and not have to have been. What we wanted and we could, what we could but we didn't want. What we tried but didn't get, what we won and we lost. It's over. All those moments won't return, there will be others, are passengers on a train with final destination, a new loop. Experiences, memories, looks, words, smells and tastes into our memory. We can only hope, that vague illusion that allows disguise with a sad-eyed smile everything that store in the heart, that corner where lives our essence, what we are and what we love, we need to fill that hole and we never to get. I feel empty, lacking any, attention hungry, thirsty comfort. Unmotivated and blindly in a tunnel that never ends, groping thought I saw a light but it was only a flare shooting that allowed me to move a little to return back to the same point. I'm still waiting for my star, to guide me, give me light and heat, and with me not to leave ever. I promise filling every day of your life with smiles, as if it were the last and also the first story that starts tomorrow. We have 365 new opportunities to do and to be happy with our star ... Shine like you know and I'll do it for you ...
domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012
XIV.Me rendí a tu lucha "I surrendered to your fight"
... Suddenly I realized. There was no going back, it was inevitable. In one of those swings, like a spear in the side which pending Excalibur Arthur, like lightning paralyzes you, as heat stroke in a cold sweat ... showed up in the fog. I talked to your eyes, I heard with the heart, I thought your whispers, I tattooed your touch. I pinched every night to check I was not dreaming, wake up anxious and excited to be one more day with you. You were the reward for my long wait, I saw and I had no doubt that WAS YOU. Similarly, and which disappeared shooting star on the horizon, came back to dive deeper into the fog, didn't let me catch you, you didn't choose the way we had started to draw, I couldn't follow, but I wanted ... I wanted you ... And there I was. I'm still in the same place, looking at the same and infinite horizon, with the same desires, wanting the fog lifts and you appear again and make me fly. With closed eyes change this queue of scales that I have anchored at the bottom by wings that take me up to the top ... but by your side ...
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012
XIII.No eres tú y no soy yo "You are not & not me"
jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012
... Darkness, silence, emptiness, pain, tears, sadness, sorrow, loneliness ... I want to tear out my heart, I do not want to suffer anymore. I am as transparent as this water that surrounds me and so generous that I forget myself and let myself be carried away by the current, which ends up becoming a turbulent and unstable torrent, deafening and agonizing; whenever I get out, I find myself disoriented, lost and unbalanced. Confidence that is broken, looks that are lost, hugs that move away, kisses that are over, words that are erased. Sweet past, present bitter ... uncertain future. Desperation, nostalgia, fear ... hope ...
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012
XI.Demasiado nunca es suficiente
... Drowned in my sea of worries and questions, drowned by doubts, drowned in my tears. My mermaid song has returned to precipitate the flight, condemned to wander alone in this immense ocean, I can not change. I'm still adrift, aimless and naúfraga. I do not have enough flares to ask for help, I do not have the strength to continue, when there is nothing left ... no one ...
viernes, 20 de abril de 2012
X.Sweet dreams
... I put the conch back in the saddle, he stares at me and disappears galloping towards the horizon. The sun is falling and the cold runs through my body, I feel an interior indescribable emptiness; I want to scream, but nobody listens to me, I want to cry but nobody consoles me. Against the current and exhausted I reach the sea, but I still have the strength to go deep ... from my heart, only down there I find everything I have but not everything I need, ambiguously, the less I miss those small things, I feel happier, maybe I cheat my heart or maybe I deceive reason, but to long for what I have never had is absurd. Down here I only listen to my heartbeat, holding my breath, I let myself go, a relaxing tingling runs through my body, I lie on the seabed, I close my eyes and start to dream and imagine who will be on the other side of the conch shell and listen to my message; my sadness becomes hope and illusion and a shy smile is drawn on my lips ...
sábado, 14 de abril de 2012
IX.Mi táctica y tu estrategia
... intoxicated I close my eyes and I let myself go, I do not know how or know under what pretext, I only know that something pushes me to continue.I hear footsteps in the distance, faster and faster, closer and closer ... it is a black horse, very dark, but so bright that it turns silver with the sun's rays; gallops lost with the mount on, he must have escaped, someone will be looking for him and missing, how much I envy him ... When he approaches me he stops his flight suddenly, as if something prevented him from continuing, as if he had reached his destination, He raises on his hind legs, takes a small turn and stares at me. In a strange way I'm not scared, she seems to calm me with her look, and again the scent of sandalwood and the inner voice that whispers to me. A conch hangs in the saddle. I approach stealthy to caress his mane, but he transmits tranquility, is very soft, my fingers slide; His back is warm and his eyes shine like stars. I take the conch and try to hear the sound of the sea and the waves breaking inside, instead, as I approach it, I do not hear anything, disappointed and longing to return to my underwater world, I leave a desperate message to anyone who can hear it. . I need you...
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012
VIII.Cometas en el cielo
... so much that that whisper already echoes in my head and makes my heart beating, anxious and accelerated.
Suddenly I see something that moves in the sand, around me, a shadow that meanders and that when I try to reach it, it escapes. I look up at the sky and recognize the form, it is a kite, it flies free, lost and without direction; it turns on itself, it advances, it rises and at the same time it recoils and falls in a dive to take flight again. Proudly it seems that from up there it reminds me that down here I will never be able to reach that freedom, the anchor that weighs me down is much heavier than its tail, delicate and restless at the mercy of the breeze. Curious I am ready to try to pursue it, it seems that it is challenging me to do it and I want to know where it comes from or where it is going. I envy its lightness, the subtle turns seem to draw starfish in the sky. Beyond the cliff and through a leafy forest of willows that move their leaves to the rhythm marked by the wind, it leads me hurriedly towards a stream; the water is so transparent that you can see every tiny stone of the bed, run and jump among the rocks, splashes the ferns and the lilies of the banks, it is music for my ears and a pleasure for my eyes, with all the senses in bloom skin, I hear that voice again and a scent of sandalwood floods the space again ...
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
VII.Maquetas de arena
I start to make piles in the sand that little by little are taking shape. I start to build my own castle, the one that only in my imagination comes alive. I go inside inside and cross my fingers so that this time a wave does not take it, the sea has given me as many things as it has taken from me, and this time it was not going to be different; leaning on the minaret and looking to the horizon I find myself prey to the water, my little world crumbles, the fine sand does not support the onslaught of the sea, sometimes I think that my fleeting desires to leave him infuriate him. I find myself on the crusade to change my life, but nothing pushes me to do it definitively, in the same way that nothing motivates me enough to continue down here, submerged and drowning inside. Still I keep hearing that voice getting louder, closer ...
sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012
.. I remember a million memories, happy moments during which I felt the world stopped.
I open my eyes and I feel so small and so fragile ... I draw with my eyes the Rainbow and I realize that it ends in a small beach formed between rocks and next to a huge cliff. The closer I get, and seeming to emerge little by little from the horizon, majestic stands before me, so much so that the sight does not reach me to see where it ends. Contrast the abrupt and rough of the uncarved stone, with the softness and sweetness that the waves give off when they reach the shore, a shore of toasted sand, warm, fine and dotted with shells and conches like stellar constellation. Dragged by the current I let myself go, lying down I notice the tickling of the foam of the sea crashing on my body, the sound of water, the heat of the sun, the shelter of the sand ... I would like to share this moment with someone. ..
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012
V.Looking for the Rainbow
... that sea is my world.
Today when I woke up I saw a small beam of light that made its way across the surface, as I approach it multiplies, like a shower of stars, even here below it is almost blinding, but so warm that it gives me a really pleasant sensation and calm It illuminates the background and I discover corners that until now had gone unnoticed for me, a thousand colors merge in the landscape, the picture is really beautiful, I engrave in my mind that image so that when I close my eyes I can continue contemplating it.It makes me curious to know where that light comes from, I'm afraid to go up to check it, I'm so comfortable down here ... but I need to know, something so beautiful can not be harmful.Restless I come to the surface, I have to close my eyes before leaving, too much light ... I open them shyly, deep breathing, the air is fresh and smells like sandalwood, and what appears before me is a beautiful Rainbow. I let myself float to flood myself with its small particles of light and color, the sun embraces me, the air caresses me, the water rocks me ... I close my eyes and I remember the underwater image, I only hear my breathing and the beating of my heart ...
miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012
... it disturbs me to feel that way.
I have crossed great seas and deep oceans, but every time I hold my breath less, the water feels colder and the people who cross my life pass by. I learn with each experience, I swim with more strength and faster, but I get the feeling that I never get anywhere. Every time I accumulate more unanswered questions and I am assaulted by doubts about myself and what surrounds me.
I can say that I have been very happy during some moments of my life, they were very specific moments where I felt that I did not need anything more than what I had, I did not aspire to more because I did not need it. But they were fleeting moments, the greater the joy, the greater the disappointment, the sadness, the frustration and the uncertainty. I always remain surrounded by the darkest nothing, lost, misplaced and unwilling to open my eyes, immersed in a sea of questions ...
martes, 13 de marzo de 2012
III.Control de la respiración
I have spent too much time worried, 32 years, 1 month, 26 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes and 1, 2, 3 seconds ... to be more precise. I will not deny that I continue to be, but today I have proposed to start this project and I hope that "something" will change.
I always have a predisposition to sink, there is always something or someone with his hand that immerses me and prevents me from going out to get air to breathe. Curiously I have always liked to hold my breath and stay "down there" until I have not been able anymore. Down there nothing or nobody bothers me, it's just me, the heartbeat of my heart and an immense sea of worries, desires, aspirations, dreams and surprises. But the more I submerge, the light disappears and the darkness invades my little world, to greater depth, greater sensation of peace and solitude at the same time ... curious sensation ...
II.Cien mil leguas de viaje submarino
Today my journey begins and I hope to find company along the way, after all this is life, a long journey in which you find companions who will accompany you throughout the journey and interns who decide to take another route, maybe taken by some current underwater, or maybe because they lose their way. Those who leave because they are not ready, do not deserve your nostalgia, if you learned something save it for you and show it to who really deserves it ...
Yes, I know that I have changed, that I am absent and my eyes are lost in that infinite and deep emptiness of an unattainable horizon, they have lost that shine that they once had and now they radiate ... loneliness.
I feel like I'm losing him because I do not want to admit that I've already lost him, or rather I should think if I've ever had him, and it comforts me to think that's the way it is.
I can not stop time or turn back to that clock that reminds me that the hours pass and the days are born to later die and he is not by my side, time is now eternal for me, it is the only thing that remains for me.
The world remains the same, in a constant movement that doesn't stop before anyone; each one struggles to achieve his goal and I try to get confused in that immense crowd to hide from myself and disguise my loneliness.
I find myself suspended in an abyss and he holds the rope that binds me to this damned present and prevents me from rushing to that uncertain future that haunts me. But I can 't take it anymore, I can 't stand this endless wait that is consuming me little by little and more and more quickly ... and I want to finish, to end everything and forever, rest somewhere far away and cry with rage, impotence, frustration, and shouting, shouting with the voice that I have left: "Why, why have you abandoned me?" as the most terrible song ever sung.
There is no consolation for anyone, the world cries for his sins and I punish him and curse him in silence.
I have died and I have died alone, I don't need anyone's compassion, nor their repentance, I don't need anything ... I will one day resurface from my ashes and I will have forgotten, and you will have forgotten me, my wings will take me to the highest and finally I will achieve that freedom that you all seek, and it will be mine, my freedom.
Until then I'm still here, waiting, with the solitude that accompanies me as a faithful lazarillo and my memories, his memories, our memories ... damn memory !!! Let me forget !!! I want to forget him and I want to do it now before it's too late and I have to do it because there's no other way out. He will take my smile, my hope, my hope ... my life, it is everything for me. I will have lost the game, he will take all my cards and I will only have the certainty that I did it by putting my soul in every word, in every sigh, in every kiss ... Yes, I know that I have changed, because I loved him, because I love him...