Todas y cada una de las palabras aquí reflejadas han surgido y van surgiendo debido a una necesidad frustrante de querer gritar en silencio, algunas recogidas y otras propias muy sentidas.

Llega un momento en la vida a partir de cual algo cambia y nada vuelve a ser como era antes.

Mi nueva vida comenzó el 12 de febrero de 2012 y desde entonces intento continuar des(ahogándome) con estas palabras.

Yo te espero a tí por estos lares, coge aire y sumérgete, voy a cuidarte y quererte como siempre he hecho.

Dedicado a ti... navegante... somebody I used to know...

Each and every one of these words reflected here have emerged and are emerging due to a frustrating need to scream in silence, some pickups and other own heartfelt.

There comes a time in life from which something changes and nothing will ever be as it was before.

My new life began on February 12, 2012 and since then I'm trying to continue un (drowning) with these words.

I'll wait for you in these parts, gets air and dive, I'll take care of you and love you as I always have made.

Dedicated to you ... sailor... somebody I used to know...


lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

LXII. Premonición "Premonition"

Y como princesa de este cuento infinito, sigo esperando que aparezca detrás de cada esquina, por sorpresa y diciéndome por fín que los finales felices existen, que las tormentas no duran eternamente, que la calma sólo la halla en mis brazos, que pierde la fuerza en cada beso... Que me quiere, y creer esas dos palabras de sus labios, confiar que por fín me va a coger la mano y no quiere soltarla nunca más.
Si... Me ha dejado ir, me he ido y no me lo ha impedido. Me he ido para no volver a ser la que era, la que he sido, la que fui, esa que nunca habría tenido que ser...
Desquiciada, ansiosa, triste, enfadada, LOCA... me convirtió en la persona que no quería tener a su lado, me arrebató con sus silencios y sus ausencias la posibilidad de ser la persona más dulce, más cariñosa y más entregada del mundo.
Le quise, le quiero y le querré tanto que sé que nunca más voy a ser capaz de querer igual.
Sé que no soy la misma, que he cambiado, que la armadura pesa demasiado y no me la puedo quitar.
En mi cabeza no dejo de escuchar su voz, esas palabras tan suyas, tan mías, tan nuestras... Esa vida que me imaginé a su lado, esa vida que no tuve la oportunidad de disfrutar.
21 días han sido suficientes para saber que no me quiere, que no tiene nada que decirme, que no me quiere tener en su vida
Me ha hecho desaparecer, me ha apartado, me ha olvidado, me ha borrado y ha seguido con su vida, esa, la suya, la que siempre ha tenido y ha querido tener.
Los cambios no son fáciles, pero es fácil cuando no tienes que cambiar nada y simplemente tienes que continuar.
Él ha perdido la pasión en la batalla y yo he perdido la vida en la guerra

And as a princess of this infinite tale, I still expect her to appear behind every corner, by surprise and telling me at last that happy endings exist, that storms do not last forever, that calm only finds him in my arms, that he loses strength in each kiss ... That he loves me, and believe those two words on his lips, trust that finally he will take my hand and he does not want to let go anymore.

Yes ... He has let me go, I have left and he has not stopped me. I've left to never be the one I was, the one I was, the one that never would have to be ...

Deranged, anxious, sad, angry, MAD ... I became the person who did not want to have at his side, snatched me with his silences and his absences the possibility of being the sweetest, most loving and most dedicated person in the world.

I loved him, I love him and I will love him so much that I know that I will never be able to love like this again.

I know I'm not the same, I've changed, the armor is too heavy and I can not take it off.

In my head I do not stop listening to his voice, those words so much his, so mine, so our ... That life that I imagined to his side, that life that I did not have the opportunity to enjoy.

21 days have been enough to know that he does not love me, that he has nothing to tell me, that he does not want me in his life

He has made me disappear, he has separated me, he has forgotten me, he has erased me and he has continued with his life, that, his, the one he has always had and wanted to have.

Changes are not easy, but it's easy when you do not have to change anything and you just have to continue.

He has lost the passion in the battle and I have lost my life in the war.