Todas y cada una de las palabras aquí reflejadas han surgido y van surgiendo debido a una necesidad frustrante de querer gritar en silencio, algunas recogidas y otras propias muy sentidas.
Llega un momento en la vida a partir de cual algo cambia y nada vuelve a ser como era antes.
Mi nueva vida comenzó el 12 de febrero de 2012 y desde entonces intento continuar des(ahogándome) con estas palabras.
Yo te espero a tí por estos lares, coge aire y sumérgete, voy a cuidarte y quererte como siempre he hecho.
Dedicado a ti... navegante... somebody I used to know...
Each and every one of these words reflected here have emerged and are emerging due to a frustrating need to scream in silence, some pickups and other own heartfelt.
There comes a time in life from which something changes and nothing will ever be as it was before.
My new life began on February 12, 2012 and since then I'm trying to continue un (drowning) with these words.
I'll wait for you in these parts, gets air and dive, I'll take care of you and love you as I always have made.
Dedicated to you ... sailor... somebody I used to know...
jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017
LIX.Te deseo "I wish you"
Yo te deseo coraje para decir basta, te deseo que olvides a quien se olvidó de ti, te deseo que puedas cerrar puertas y abrir ventanas, te deseo que no te conformes, que no te quedes con la culpa, te deseo que te atrevas, te deseo que te quieras, te deseo ojeras y risas, te deseo locura y magia, también te deseo errores para aprender, te deseo viento, para dejarte llevar, te deseo chispas en la mirada, colores para los días grises, paraguas para las malas tormentas y lluvia para calarte, te deseo "te echo de menos", te deseo abrazos de los que duran toda la vida cuando cierras los ojos, te deseo viajes y nuevos recuerdos, te deseo huracanes de emociones, que te hagan sentir, te deseo que te quieran sin que te necesiten, te deseo una nueva canción favorita y nueva fecha que te haga sonreír, te deseo besos bonitos, brindis con los labios y te deseo ganas... Las de seguir."
Well, no ... I'm not going to wish you a Merry Christmas or a happy new year ...
I want you courage to say enough, I want you to forget who forgot you, I want you to be able to close doors and open windows, I wish you do not settle, do not stay with the blame, I wish you to dare, I wish you to love yourself, I wish you dark circles down your eyes and laughter, I wish you madness and magic, I also wish you mistakes to learn, I wish you wind, to let you go, I wish sparks in your eyes, colors for gray days, umbrellas for bad storms and rain to get rid of you, I wish you "miss you", I wish you hugs that last all your life when you close your eyes, I wish you trips and new memories, I wish you hurricanes of emotions, that make you feel, I wish you that they want you without needing you, I wish you a new favorite song and a new date that makes you smile, I wish you nice kisses, toast with your lips and I wish you desire ... to follow.
lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017
LVIII.Las mujeres somos fuertes por naturaleza "Women are strong by nature"
Somos fuertes cuando estamos SOLAS o así lo sentimos en la VIDA.
Somos fuertes cuando somos responsables de alguien que solamente nos tiene a NOSOTRAS.
Somos fuertes cuando nos hacen de menos por ser rubias o morenas, por ser guapas o feas, por ser delgadas o rellenitas, por ser SIMPÁTICAS, por llevar TACONES, minifalda y pintarnos los LABIOS de rojo.
Somos fuertes porque no tenemos otra opción, porque nadie va a tocar a nuestra puerta para salvarnos la vida, porque sabemos que la LUNA no nos la pueden regalar, pero nos pueden hacer sentir que estamos en ella, flotando sin gravedad, sin nada que nos ate los pies al SUELO.
Atadas nos sentimos muchas veces, sin posibilidad de movimiento, como si algo o alguien nos impidiera avanzar, y aunque esa lucha por salir de esa situación nos debilite, al FINAL, siempre, salimos, y SIEMPRE, más fortalecidas si cabe.
TÚ eres fuerte, yo lo sé, lo sé porque esa FUERZA que tú tienes me la has transmitido a mí.
Cuando más asustada y TRISTE estaba, cuando toqué FONDO, cuando no veía la salida... entonces tú me enseñaste el CAMINO y tus palabras siempre me aportaron CALMA y tranquilidad, fuiste ese punto de APOYO en mitad del océano que necesitaba para no ahogarme, fuiste esa LUZ al final del túnel y hoy yo te regalo esa luz, para que no dejes nunca de brillar.
GRACIAS por haber aparecido en mi vida, ya no me la imagino sin ti.
Las mujeres somos fuertes por naturaleza, pero JUNTAS lo somos más. Espero que cuentes conmigo siempre que lo necesites, ahí estaré. YO también lo haré.
Si, las mujeres somos fuertes aunque parezcamos débiles, porque nos miramos al ESPEJO para gustarnos a nosotras, porque nos apetece pasar un día sin salir de la CAMA, porque nos gusta bailar y acabar descalzas, porque aunque nos hagamos las tontas no significa que lo seamos, y sobre todo... PORQUE HACEMOS LO QUE NOS SALE DE LOS TACONES.
We are strong when we are ALONE or so we feel it in LIFE.
We are strong when we are responsible for someone who only has US.
We are strong when they make us feel inferior because they we blond or brown, because we are beautiful or ugly, because we are thin or plump, because we are NICE, because we wear HEELS, miniskirts and paint our LIPS in red.
We are strong because we have no other choice, because no one is going to knock on our door to save our lives, because we know that nobody can give it to us the MOON, but they can make us feel that we are in it, floating without gravity, without anything tie our feet to the floor.
Tied we feel many times, with no possibility of movement, as if something or someone prevented us from moving forward, and although that struggle to get out of that situation weakens us, at the END, always, we go out, and ALWAYS, more strengthened if possible.
YOU are strong, I know it, I know it because that FORCE you have, you has transmitted to me.
When I was more scared and SAD, when I touched TOP, when I did not see the exit ... then you showed me the WAY and your words always gave me CALM and tranquility, you were that SUPPORT point in the middle of the ocean that I needed not to drown, you were that LIGHT at the end of the tunnel and today I give you that light, so you never stop shining.
THANK YOU for having appeared in my life, I no longer imagine it without you.
Women are strong by nature, but TOGETHER are stronger. I hope you count on me whenever you need it, I'll be there. I'll do it too.
Yes, women are strong although we seem weak, because we look at the MIRROR to like us, because we want to spend a day without leaving the BED, because we like to dance and finish barefoot, because even if we play dumb it does not mean that let's be, and above all ... BECAUSE WE DO WHAT COMES FROM THE HEELS.
martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017
LVII.- Fuera de lugar, fuera de tiempo "Out of place, out of time"
3. m. Asunto, materia de que se trata.
1.m. Dicho o hecho fuera de razón, de sentido o de conveniencia.
From lat. conveniens, -entis.
1. adj. Useful, timely, helpful.
2. adj. Agree, agree.
3. adj. Decent, proportionate.
From lat. inconveniens, -entis.
1. adj. Not convenient
2. m. Impediment or obstacle that there is to do something.
3. m. Damage and harm that results from doing something.
From lat. opportūnus.
1.adj. What is done or happens in time on purpose and when it is convenient.
From lat. inopportūnus.
1.adj. Out of time or purpose.
From lat. proposĭtum.
1. m. Courage or intention to do or not do something.
2. m. Goal that is intended to achieve.
3. m. Subject, matter in question.
out of purpose
1. loc. adv. Without coming to the case, without opportunity or out of time.
1. m. Said or done out of reason, sense or convenience.
Without a doubt I dare to say that my life has been full of opportunities and the untimely has been me.When I had no work, I had time but not money; When I had money, I did not have time because of work. When my heart has been calm, my mind was at peace; when I have fallen in love, blindly and hopelessly, I have touched the madness. When I have met someone in the right place, it has always been the wrong time; the right moment, the perfect place and the right person have never been given at the same time in space-time.
And so always, in a loop with no end. Every opportunity leaves me weakened and exhausted, I have no strength or desire to start again and again if it will always end in the same way ... with the lost and sad look, broken inside, kneeling and surrendered. The eternal hours pass, the long days, I close my eyes and it is already tomorrow, I open them again and it is Monday again, again and again, as in a déjà vu.
I do not know if I have had the luck or the misfortune of having fallen in love, I would like to think that it is the only luck that I have run in this life, because it must be very sad not to have ever loved anyone, I know that there are people in that situation ... and I do not envy them either.
Every day is an opportunity or many, we just have to open our eyes and listen to them, almost always we do not bother to look further and we hear background noise without paying too much attention.
I know that I have an invisible shield in front of me, it is perceived on the first day and it usually disappears with time and confidence. My first impression will tell you that I do not care about your life, that I do not care about what you tell me, that I am strong and that I do not need anything else or anyone but myself, nothing is further from reality ... I get excited with a song "I felt", with a film of those that shrink the soul, with the smell of wet earth, with the orange sunrise and my Mediterranean in the background, with the pink clouds, when I release some shoes, when they look for me with the look, when they smile at me from side, when they embrace me at night, it's cold or hot, if they make me look at life face to face and eyes with the green color of hope ... I get excited.
How inopportune I, how inopportune you. Life presents situations to you and the next day you do not see them again, it gives you everything and it leaves you with nothing, it makes you cry with happiness even knowing that sooner or later it will collapse your mountain of illusions.
What an inconvenience ... what out of time ... how unreason... what nonsense ...
martes, 1 de agosto de 2017
LVI.- Por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi gran culpa "Because of me, because of my fault, because of my great guilt"
Culpable de permitir situaciones, por miedo a que si levanto la voz pueda empeorar todo,
culpable de cerrar los ojos y autoconvencerme de eso de "ojos que no ven...
culpable de agachar la cabeza ante ciertas personas, porque si yo hablara...
culpable por ser ignorante, ese tipo de ignorancia que se aparenta tener para que los tontos que se creen inteligentes piensen que están por encima del bien y del mal y donde todo está permitido,
culpable por seguir mordiéndome la lengua hasta sangrar, hasta sentirme sirenita con la voz robada,
culpable de la vida que tengo, porque no la puedo cambiar a día de hoy,
culpable de todo lo que me pasa y de lo que no me pasa también,
culpable de esperar de la gente, frustración e impotencia constante,
culpable de desear que todo cambie, que las personas cambien,
culpable de amar con locura y sin medida porque no sé hacerlo de otra forma,
culpable de hacerme invisible para no molestar y culpable de hacerme invisible para que no me molesten.
La carga de culpabilidad que llevo a mi espalda no me deja levantarme de la cama por las mañanas, no me deja caminar por la calle, no me deja respirar profundo, no me deja discernir con claridad, no me deja ser yo... y me entristece tanto haberme perdido a mi misma y perderme tantas cosas...
A ratos, algunos días me encuentro y puedo ser yo. Pero muy de vez en cuando, y ratos más cortos de lo que yo puedo desear. Aún así esos ratos me calman y me tranquilizan. Durante esos ratos mi culpabilidad se transforma en inocencia, esa inocencia con la que miras la cosa más dulce, la persona que amas; esa inocencia que te hace vulnerable, cándida y salvaje a la vez, esa inocencia que saca tu verdadera esencia, esa inocencia que te hace sentir libre, que puedes volar y respirar bajo el agua también... esa inocencia de la infancia en la que creías que todo era posible y que los problemas no existían.
Me declaro culpable de ser inocente.
Amar con locura no es un delito, siempre y cuando no se lastime al prójimo, y aquí la única damnificada soy yo.

I plead guilty to all charges against me:
Guilty of allowing situations, for fear that if I raise my voice it may make everything worse,
Guilty to close my eyes and selfconvince me about "eyes that don't see ...
Guilty of bowing his head to certain people, because if I spoke ...
Guilty for being ignorant, that kind of ignorance that seems to have for fools who think they are intelligent think they are above good and evil and where everything is allowed,
Guilty for continuing to bite my tongue until bleeding, until I feel mermaid with the stolen voice,
Guilty of the life I have, because I can not change it to this day,
Guilty of everything that happens to me and of what does not happen to me too,
Guilty of waiting on people, frustration and constant impotence,
Guilty of wishing for everything to change, for people to change,
Guilty of loving with madness and without measure because I do not know how to do it another way,
Guilty of making me invisible to not bother and guilty of making me invisible so that they do not bother me.
The burden of guilt that I carry behind my back does not let me get out of bed in the morning, does not let me walk down the street, does not let me breathe deeply, does not let me discern clearly, does not let me be me ... and I am so sad to have lost myself and lose so many things ...
Sometimes, I find myself and I can be myself. But very occasionally, and times shorter than I can wish. Still, those times calm me and calm me down. During these times my guilt becomes innocence, that innocence with which you look at the sweetest thing, the person you love; That innocence that makes you feel vulnerable, candid and wild at the same time, that innocence that brings your true essence, that innocence that makes you feel free, that you can fly and breathe under water too ... that innocence of childhood in which You believed that everything was possible and that problems did not exist.
I plead guilty to being innocent.
Loving with madness is not a crime, as long as you do not hurt the other, and here I am the only one affected.
sábado, 29 de julio de 2017
LV.- Te quiero sin mirar atrás "I Love you without looking back"
Te quiero sobre las hojas de otoño, hablando de nada pero a la vez de todo y en un arranque de locura beber tus lágrimas mientras desfallezco en tus labios...
I love you like to read you every night, like my favorite book I want to read you, line after line, letter by letter, space for space ...
I love you to take you by the hand under the sky and show you the I love you hidden among the stars ...
I love you on the autumn leaves, talking about nothing but everything at the same time and in a mad start to drink your tears while fainting on your lips ...
I want to find you between the unsaid sentences, between the thoughts buried, between the complicated ways I want to find you and then not leave you ...
I love you as to take you to my favorite places and tell you that's where I feel to look for you in the fog of looks that are not yours but still I look for you ...
I want you to become crazy with laughter, drunk of nothing and walk without haste through the streets, that if, hand in hand, better said ... the Heart.
I want you to heal, and heal me, and we heal together, to replace the wounds with smiles and tears for looks where we can say more than words ...
I love you for the nights that you miss, I love you like to hear your laughter all night and sleep in your chest, without shadows or ghosts, I love you like never to let go ...