Quiero que sepas que voy a estar contigo siempre que lo necesites, y sabes que me apartaré cuando quieras estar sola. Solo te pido una cosa, yo te voy a necesitar siempre, aunque te quedes en silencio a mi lado...
Disfruta cada día de tu vida, no te arrepientas de nada, di lo que piensas, piensa cada cosa que hagas, hazlo como lo sientas. Sé feliz, el tiempo pasa muy rápido... pero sobre todo, continúa llenando de sonrisas y alegrías nuestras vidas, nunca podré agradecerte todo lo que haces por mí y todo aquello que me haces sentir.
Te quiero mucho Sofía... hasta el infinito y más de allá.
It seems incredible that have already passed, and I still see that little girl with big eyes and slurred speech that made me smile when I looked.
Today I look and still feel the same, you're the most special person in the world.
You're smart, intelligent, kind, tender, sweet and generous. You care about doing things right and the people you want. Laugh out loud and crie with difficult, don't worry, cry is not a sign of weakness. Crie when your excitement and joy seized and crie when something hurts you in the heart. You'll never be alone.
By your side I miss any problem, you have the ability to know how to ask and talk about every time, you know when I need a kiss or a hug and know that when you say "Tati don't worry," I can only reply that "I love you ".
Dad and mom are doing a good job with you, never forget who think for you and advise you to realize everything that you couldn't even think. You also know that I'm trying to explain you the things, because I've been there and I know what is the best way to deal with it, don't be angry with me, I also do it for your sake.
You've become a beautiful girl, I'm so proud of you and know that you will get everything you set your mind and you will go far.
Know that I will be with you whenever you need, and you know that anytime I turn away to be alone. I pray only one thing, I'm going to need you always, even you stay silent with me ...
Enjoy every day of your life, don't regret anything, speak you think, think of everything you do, do it as you feel. Be happy, time passes very fast ... but above all, continue filling our lives with smiles and joy. I can never thank you for everything you do for me and all that I feel for you.
I love you Sofía ... to infinity and beyond over.